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You can download Chainz 2: Relinked 1.0 for Mac from our software library for free. This Mac application was originally designed by MumboJumbo. The application lies within Games, more precisely Puzzle. The concept and inspiration of Mas Taco Bar came to life when the Wong brothers of Mac Hospitality Group and a longtime friend and real estate broker discussed ways to feature tastes from around the globe. Circle the organisms that complete the food chains. Or go to the answers. Complete the Food Chains Worksheet #2 Circle the organisms that complete the food chains. Or go to the answers. Food Chain Fill in the Arrows Quiz #1 Fill in arrows that trace the flow of energy in four food chains, incuding ones from the ocean, city, prairie, and pond.
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Master of Arts (MA)
Over a third of all recalls for food products in the United States occur due to an undeclared allergen. In these situations, a food product is often mislabeled or contaminated in some way, resulting in the unknown presence of allergen. For food-allergic consumers, a company's mistake can become life-threatening. By investigating data from the Food and Drug Administration, I found that supermarket chains are responsible for about a fifth of all recalls, and that many recalls occur past the product's expiration date. These factors point to the need to improve the FDA's handling of food allergies in food manufacturing.
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Recommended Citation
Passy, Jacob, 'When You Can't Watch What You Eat: Examining the FDA's Recall Process for Food Allergies' (2014). CUNY Academic Works.
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Food Science Commons, Medicine and Health Sciences Commons
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Last week, Oklahoma State Senator Ralph Shortey introduced a bill that would ban 'the manufacture or sale of food or products which use aborted human fetuses.' But which foods or products use aborted human fetuses? Let's investigate.
NPR speculates that Shortey's bill has to do with a recent boycott aimed at PepsiCo for working with a company called Senomyx that 'has been accused of using proteins derived from human embryonic kidney cells in its research.' Quoth Shortey:
The senator says that his research shows there are companies in the food industry that have used human stem cells to help them research and develop products, including artificial flavorings.
'I don't know if it is happening in Oklahoma, it may be, it may not be. What I am saying is that if it does happen then we are not going to allow it to manufacture here,' Shortey tells KRMG's Nicole Burgin.
As an impartial journalistic outlet, we're not here to tell you that Ralph Shortey is an utter moron whose incompetent attempts to ban stem cell-derived medicine reveal his all-encompassing idiocy, nor to tell you that the use of aborted human fetuses in food would already be in clear violation of a variety of different federal and state laws. Nor, for that matter, are we here to tell you that you should or should not be eating aborted human fetuses. What we are here to do is find out what foods are made using aborted human fetuses. We've contacted a number of the country's largest food companies and asked: do you use aborted human fetuses in your food products?
Companies That Do Not Use Aborted Human Fetuses in Their Food Products
Products include:Big Macs, Chicken McNuggets, Filet o' Fish, McRib, McChicken, McGriddle
Contains aborted human fetuses? Replica (itch) mac os. Ashlee Yingling, media relations: 'The answer is no. McDonald's does not use aborted human fetuses in its food.'
Products include:Perrier, Häagen-Dazs, Gerber, Powerbar, DiGiorno Pizza, Butterfinger, Kit Kat, Alpo, Frisky
Contains aborted human fetuses? Hilary Green, head of R&D communications: 'Nestlé does not use aborted human fetuses in its food products.'
Products include:Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Tropicana Orange Juice, Doritos, Quaker Oatmeal, Mountain Dew, Fritos, Gatorade
Contains aborted human fetuses? In a letter to 'Children of God for Life,' PepsiCo consumer relations representative Margaret Corsi writes: 'These claims are meant to suggest that human fetal tissue is somehow used in our research. That is both inaccurate and something we would never do or even consider. It also is inaccurate to suggest that tissue or cells somehow are being used as product ingredients. That's dangerous, unethical and against the law.'
Wendy's (UPDATED)
Products include:Dave's Hot 'n Juicy 1/4 lb. Single, Bacon Deluxe Single, Bacon Deluxe Double, Frosty
Contains aborted human fetuses? Kitty Munger, director, communications: 'We'd like to correct the mention of Wendy's on gawker, relative to the issue of human fetuses. The answer is absolutely no. Wendy's does not use aborted human fetuses in its food.'
Companies That Might Use Aborted Human Fetuses in Their Food Products
Burger King
Products include:WHOPPER®, WHOPPER JR.®, Chicken Tenders, BK® Chicken Fries, Bacon & Cheddar BK TOPPERS™ Burger
Contains aborted human fetuses?Possibly. Burger King has not responded to our request for comment at this time.
General Mills
Products include:Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Bisquick, Fruit by the Foot, Bugles, Chex Mix, Hamburger Helper
Contains aborted human fetuses?Possibly. General Mills has not responded to our request for comment at this time.
Products include:A-1 Steak Sauce, Boca Burgers, Capri Sun, Crystal Light, Jell-O, Lunchables, Oreos, Teddy Grahams, Wheat Thins
Contains aborted human fetuses?Possibly. Kraft has not responded to our request for comment at this time.
Products include:Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, Coke Zero, Sprite, Zico
Contains aborted human fetuses?Possibly. Coca-Cola has not responded to our request for comment at this time.
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